Due to Swedish law regulations, bags are completely banned at this event.
Nils Frahm, with his new piano-based album Day behind him, is returning to Swedish soil for two concerts this fall. It's going to be cinematic, atmospheric, and precise as Frahm transports the audience to another place.
FKP Scorpio.One of the most magnificent qualities of music is its potential to transport the listener to other places. It may sound cliché, but the fact is that it's a rare and difficult art form. Few master this difficulty better than Nils Frahm. Perhaps that's precisely why this German neoclassical composer has managed to reach an audience far beyond the typical horizon of the genre. Nils Frahm knows where he wants to go, what atmosphere he wants to evoke, and by making instruments his voice, he skillfully guides the listener to that specific place. The music is minimalist, ambient, and repetitive, but Frahm's fantastic sense of melody runs like a common thread through the compositions.
The concert is organized by Luger.